Symptoms and Test Accuracy for Lyme disease

Submitted by Nic on October 16, 2012

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is transmitted to human beings from the bite of a tick. Certain animals and rodents are carriers of the bacteria that cause Lyme disease. However, these animals and rodents will not transmit the disease to humans. A tick has to first bite the infected animal or rodent. It must subsequently bite the patient in order to transmit Lyme disease to the patient. Therefore, most tick bites will not cause this disease as the chances of the disease being present in ticks are quite low.

Tick bites are often not noticed for days or even weeks. Therefore, it is important to look for various signs and symptoms of Lyme disease to figure out if one is suffering from the condition or not. The Lyme disease test accuracy also depends, to some extent, on the presence of these symptoms. In some cases, if the test is partially positive or shows some signs of Lyme disease, the symptoms will be added to the picture before a complete diagnosis is made. Lyme disease is characterized by the presence of a rash on the skin surface. This rash is circular in color and will gradually expand over time. The patient will also feel symptoms that are similar to those suffered by flu patients.

The Lyme disease test is a blood test used to determine whether the patient is suffering from the condition. This Lyme disease blood test will be used to look for certain immune system markers which suggest that the patient is infected with the condition. The Lyme disease test accuracy is not 100%. Many cases will present with findings that are not conclusive. Patients with symptoms of Lyme disease may present with no antibodies. This test will then be repeated over time. If the Lyme disease test is positive, further testing is used to confirm this result.

The Lyme disease test accuracy limits the scope for immediate treatment. This is further affected by the fact that Lyme disease does not necessarily produce a rash on the patient’s skin. Tick bites may not be noticed at all, especially because the ticks are as small as pin heads. The less than perfect Lyme disease test accuracy means that patients need to be regularly monitored. They may also be treated for suspected Lyme disease is there are enough symptoms present. If there are symptoms of meningitis, then the Lyme disease test will be performed on the cerebrospinal fluid. The lyme disease test sensitivity is another issue that is handled and taken care of the presiding doctor. One should therefore extend their full support to the practitioner conducting the test.

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