Why Is A MCH Lab Test Conducted?

By Niki | November 4, 2011

The abbreviation MCH stands for Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is one of the main components of human blood that is needed for the process of oxygen transport. Oxygen is breathed in through the lungs from where it is allowed to enter the blood. This oxygen is carried by hemoglobin. When the quantity of hemoglobin is deficient, the individual may suffer from a lack of oxygen transport in the body. This will lead to a deficiency in the amount of oxygen available for the process of energy production. As we all know, energy is required for all the functions of the human body, even the most basic ones. Therefore, a lack of energy will lead to a situation where the individual does not have the power to perform some basic tasks. A lack of energy will also reduce the individual’s ability for sustained physical effort. This can cause many different problems in the life of the individual. Furthermore, it can cause complications if the condition is allowed to persist for long periods of time.

MCH Lab Test – Normal Range, Values and Results

The MCH lab test is conducted as part of the most standard blood test that is performed, the CBC test. The CBC test stands for the Complete Blood Count test. The MCH lab test is a part of the CBC test. Blood is drawn from a vein in the individual’s upper forearm. This blood is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. Often, the laboratory is where the blood is drawn in the first place. This would eliminate any risks that may exist in the transport of the blood in terms of the contamination of the sample. As far as the patient is concerned, the MCH lab test is nothing more than a routine blood sample drawing procedure.

The MCH lab test is conducted to check for cases of severe anemia. Anemia is a dangerous condition which can cause the individual to suffer from diminished consciousness. Therefore, the use of this test is essential for patients who suffer from this condition. When a patient has MCH lab test high results, he or she is suspected to be suffering from macrocytic anemia. This condition is diagnosed if the MCH lab test values fall beyond the normal range. The normal range for MCH lab test is between 31 and 37 grams per deciliter of blood. Conversely, the patient will be diagnosed with a condition known as microcytic anemia if he or she has low MCH lab test values.