Alcohol Absorption Calculator

By Ashley | January 28, 2010

When a person drinks alcohol, it alters what is known as the blood alcohol content or the alcohol concentration in the blood. There is a certain calculator that is used to measure the percentage of concentration of alcohol in the blood. It is a gauge used to assess the level of intoxication for medical or legal purposes. It is expressed as the volume of alcohol per volume of blood.

The basic information required for this calculation is the number of drinks you have had, what type or types of drinks you have had, the time you have spent drinking, your weight, your sex, and the state you are in. When all these details are entered into the calculator, it generates a result that is a percentage.

The calculator is a proven way to clearly identify how much a person has drunk. No amount of external alteration such as eating mint or drinking coffee can affect the test results to display a wrong value. This test records the level of alcohol content in the blood and not the superficial symptoms displayed in the breath test.

There is no use trying to cheat an inspector with mint or coffee once he does the test on you. However, there are certain ways to reduce the alcohol content in your blood. Some of these include not drinking continuously and spacing out your drinks. Substitute non-alcoholic drinks with alcoholic ones alternately. Eat foods that are rich in fat and protein to slow down the alcohol absorption. Consume this kind of food before you drink.

Drinking and driving is considered a very serious offence in the United States. It can affect your future as a driver as well as possessing a license. A level of 0.08% and above is considered legal intoxication. It is wrong to assume that you are dangerous driver only if you are ‘drunk’. Driving is affected much before reaching the drunken stage. It impairs your senses and your reflexes at a much earlier stage.

Alcohol absorption calculators do not give an accurate result; however, it does give a close estimate of the alcohol content in the blood.

When alcohol is consumed fast, it is absorbed fast. A woman reaches the illegal level of intoxication faster than a man due to lower water content in her body; the same rule applies to a small made person versus a bigger person. Alcohol mixed with juice and water is absorbed more slowly into the blood stream.

The actual level of alcohol content in your blood is also dependent on your health, emotional state, and medication.