When You Should Have A Cholesterol Test

By Ashley | November 19, 2009

Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance found in all the parts of your body. Your body requires a little bit of cholesterol for proper functioning, but too much of it in blood can clog your arteries and lead to heart disease. Cholesterol is broadly categorized into two types, namely good and bad cholesterol. Different blood tests are required to separately measure each type of cholesterol.

Obviously, a test for cholesterol is needed to protect you against any risk of a heart disease. When you should get your cholesterol level tested, it depends on the following factors:

  • Most doctors and health experts recommend that you should get your cholesterol levels checked regularly after the age of thirty five. The frequency of tests will depend on whether you are suffering from other health problems.
  • If you are being treated for high cholesterol, you may need more frequent tests. It will further depend upon your cholesterol levels and type of treatment being given.
  • If you have a family history of heart disease, you must get your cholesterol levels tested regularly.
  • If you are a diabetes patient you will require more frequent tests.
  • If you are a regular smoker or heavy drinker, it would be a good idea to get frequent tests done.

Measuring cholesterol in the blood is very important in order to determine the extent of any risk for the development of cardiovascular disease. A series or group of tests, known as lipid panel tests, are performed to measure the presence of fat in your blood. The four main components of cholesterol that are measured or displayed on the lipid panel include the following:

  • Total cholesterol
  • Low-density lipoprotein or LDL
  • High density lipoprotein or HDL
  • Triglycerides.

A total cholesterol test is a rough measure of all the cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. In order to determine the risk of heart disease it would be important to know the values for all four components.

To prepare yourself for the cholesterol level test, you must not eat or drink anything for at least eight hours before the test, if you want accurate results. You are not allowed to drink any beverages and even tea or coffee during this period. However, you are allowed to drink some water. If you are taking any medicines as a regular treatment for any ailment, you must consult your doctor before stopping to take a medicine that could affect the test.

You should know what types of cholesterol are being tested and what their normal levels are. This will help you to interpret your cholesterol test and know your risk of heart disease.