Reasons, Preparation & Procedure For Conducting a Syphilis Home Test

Submitted on March 27, 2012

Because of the nature of syphilis and the stigma associated with this disease, home syphilis tests are quite a popular option. However, bear in mind that syphilis home testing is not a substitute for a proper test by a qualified doctor. It should be your doctor who should recommend a syphilis test. What most syphilis tests, which are offered at home involve are collection supplies. You could get one of these tests online and then, after analysis, you will get the result. There are some rapid tests for syphilis which claim to offer results on the spot within a matter of minutes, like in the case of home pregnancy tests.

Why Syphillis Home Test is done

As the name suggests, a home syphilis test essentially is needed to test for the presence of this sexually transmitted disease. It is Treponema pallidum, a bacterium, which is responsible for syphilis. This disease not only has varied symptoms but also has three distinct stages. While people do check with their doctors when faced with signs of syphilis, at home syphilis tests are popular because of the social embarrassment attached to this disease.

How to prepare for this test

It depends on the type of kit for testing syphilis that is ordered. One would need to follow the instructions of the home syphilis test and collect the necessary genetic material which, in this case, would be a blood sample.


If you want to test from the comfort of your own home, an at home syphilis test may be purchased. Some syphilis home testing kits simply require a tiny bit of blood, obtained via a pin prick. Such kits then offer you the syphilis test result in a few minutes. In most cases, this test is effectively designed to check for the presence of the antigen. In other cases, the kit provides the user with the necessary equipment in order to give the laboratory a blood sample, which needs to then be sent to the specified center. The home test kit for syphilis is designed such that the material necessary for sending the blood sample necessary is also included in the kit. If you suspect syphilis, you should check with your doctor or visit a local health care center to get a test done. If opting for a home syphilis test, make sure that you at least get hold of a FDA approved one or call a doctor and ask him to recommend a syphilis home test.