Information About Calcium Plasma Test

Submitted on March 27, 2012

Calcium Plasma Test

Calcium tests also go by other names such as Total calcium or even Ionized calcium tests. In a calcium plasma test, the person's blood is examined so as to check for different kinds of disorders associated with one's teeth, with the nerves, heart, one's kidneys as well as one's bones. For such conditions, the calcium test might aid diagnosis or it could help when it comes to keeping a check on the development of these related conditions.

Reasons Why It is Conducted

A common misconception about calcium tests is that they will give us an idea of exactly how much calcium we will find in our bones. The truth is that these calcium tests do offer knowledge about the levels of calcium that may be found in the blood. Thus, they can offer plasma calcium concentration readings. The total calcium test however is the leading test used when it comes to trying to assess calcium status. If patients come with kidney stone symptoms, or signs of bone disease, then this test might be recommended. Similarly if the patient presents symptoms of possible neurological disorders, calcium test can be used in the manner of a diagnostic test.

In many cases, the reason why a total calcium level test is ordered is simply because it forms a part of general health screening. If following this general calcium test you get an abnormal reading, the higher or lower calcium reading could mean that a disorder is present. Usually, after this finding, phosphorous tests, Vitamin D tests or other tests like parathyroid hormone (PTH), and iodized calcium tests may be needed. There could be various other factors which lead to the ordering of a calcium test such as when a person appears to have symptoms of various other diseases which are known to be linked to calcium level abnormalities. These would include cancers, thyroid disease and even poor nutrition.


Calcium plasma test typically have no prior preparation needed, but you should check with the clinic or doctor.


There are a number of ways in which you will find calcium in plasma such as protein-bound or possibly ionized form. Calcium plasma test would be done via analysis of blood samples. Thus, the calcium plasma test feels like a regular blood test. It measures plasma calcium concentration. Other kinds of calcium tests, such as a urine one, might prove necessary under certain circumstances such as in cases where abnormal results are seen.