Dental Implant Surgery

Submitted on March 27, 2012

Dental implants are part of prosthetic dentistry to replace original teeth. They are artificial teeth which are implanted right from the root and look just like natural teeth.

Dental implants procedure uses a high-tech titanium screw, which is embedded into the bone. They are called root-form endosseus implants, where osseous refers to the bone. This also means that the titanium gradually bonds with the bone, that is, the bone gradually grows around the titanium screw, thus forming a strong artificial root. A crown is fitted above this, and forms a very good replacement for original teeth which have been lost.

Dental Implants Procedure

The dental implant procedure is usually done in 2 stages:

  • The first stage is the dental implant surgery, where the titanium implants (also called ‘posts’) are placed in the jaw bone.
  • The second stage is the implant restoration. In this, accurate measurement is taken and a crown is built on top of the dental implant.

The time taken for the entire dental implants procedure differs from patient to patient, but is generally around 3 months. The healing of the tissues around the titanium implant may take 3 to 9 months, depending upon the health and age of the patient.

New technology however, has a procedure by which a patient can go back the same day as the surgery, with a new set of teeth.


One reason is the aesthetics, since dental implants look exactly like natural teeth. They are also more comfortable as compared to dentures or other teeth replacement techniques, and patients who opt for dental implants don’t remain conscious about the presence of the implants despite the fact that they are artificial. Dental implants are more durable than other teeth replacement techniques, since the bone grows around the titanium implants and bonds it with the bone, as if it’s a natural tooth.

One advantage of dental implants is that they stimulate the gum and bone area, and prevent bone loss; something which happens when a tooth is extracted and a bridge made over it.

Risk and Complications

As with any surgery, there are always a few risks and complications. The biggest dental implants problem could be caused by the fact that for some particular reason, the bone does not bond with the titanium post. Other dental implants complications could be inflammation or infection of the soft tissues and gums in the mouth. The dental implant can damage or injure other teeth or blood vessels in the gum. Sometimes, it can also damage a nerve or the sinuses, and may cause either numbness or a tingling sensation in the lips, teeth, chin or gum