Procedure, Technique, Cost & Tips Before & After Lip Augmentation

Submitted on March 27, 2012

Lip augmentation or lip implant is a surgical/nonsurgical procedure through which you can give your lips a fuller appearance.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, lip augmentation surgeries increased by 46% in 2011, with 25,477 people going for augmentation excluding injections.

What is Lip Augmentation?

This is a method used to enlarge the size of a person's lips and can also be used to reduce wrinkles that can appear around the area of the mouth. A lip augmentation procedure can be permanent or temporary, and it can be used to treat one or both of your lips by surgical implantation or injections. Lip augmentation techniques include implants, injections, and local flap grafts.

Temporary treatments have a variety of lip augmentation injection techniques to choose from including collagen, artecoll, dermalogen, fat injections, hylaform, autologen, restylane, fascia, juvederm, and radiance. Your cosmetologist will help you pick the method that is most suitable for you.

Lip Augmentation Surgery

There are various options for lip augmentation surgery as well.

  • Alloderms: A natural (and also a very popular) substance used in the process of lip augmentation is alloderm. Taken from cadavers, the screening and standards of processing are very high. This material is introduced into small incisions made near the corners of your mouth. These incisions are then closed with stitches. Alloderm is normally absorbed by the human body, which is why the results will not permanent and would last for may be six months to around a year.
  • Fat grafting: This procedure usually gives you a permanent result. There is the possibility of the body reabsorbing the fat, but the upside is that you can use the fat from your own body for the augmentation. Fat is often harvested from the abdomen, prepared, and then injected into the lip with the help of a needle.
  • Local flap grafts: Skin and tissue is removed from the insides of the mouth and used as material to enhance your lips. This is a rather invasive surgery.
  • Synthetic implants: If you are looking for a permanent option, synthetic materials are also available. These materials remain in place and are neither absorbed by the body nor do they shrink. Since synthetic implants are foreign to the body, they could get infected. If this happens, they will have to be removed.

Here are some tips for lip augmentation before and after the procedure:

Before the procedure

  • Do not consume anything that contains aspirin as it enhances the chances of bruising.
  • If your lip is bruised due to a lip blister or cold sore, reschedule your procedure.

After the procedure

  • Take your medication regularly, as advised by your doctor.
  • Sleep with your head elevated for the first few days.
  • When you sleep always lie on your back at least for a fortnight.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Use ice packs for your lips in order to reduce the swelling.
  • Don't prod the stitches with your tongue as the chances of it getting infected are high.
  • Avoid spicy and salty food.
  • Keep your lips moisturized.
  • Don't open your mouth too wide.


The cost of lip augmentation could range from USD $300 to $5000, based on the technique used. The average price of lip augmentation could vary from place to place and the cosmetic surgeon you choose.

Permanent Lip Augmentation

Permanent lip augmentation is best done with fat from one's own tissues and body, though there are other options like silicon fillers and permanent lip implants like a saline filled or silicon filled tubes. Permanent lip augmentation cost works out to be very expensive and could be anything from USD $4000 upwards for just one session.

Before and After Tips

  • Before the procedure, make sure you wear loose comfortable clothes, don't take aspirin, and get someone to drive you home after.
  • After the procedure, follow your doctors instructions and eat plenty of soft foods, prop yourself up on pillows and keep ice close by.
