Information About Self Mammogram Test

Submitted by Nic on October 16, 2012

The breasts are very important for human females from a number of points of view. The primary function of the breasts is related to providing fresh milk to new born babies. The breasts are also important from the point of view of the woman’s physical appearance. Many men and women are obsessed with the size and appearance of breasts. This has led to the modern craze for plastic surgery which is performed to augment the size of the breasts. From the point of view of sexual response as well, the breasts play an important role.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects women, generally affecting women between the ages of 35 and 55. It is a common form of cancer that can also be treated easily and quickly. Breast cancer occurs when a malignant tumor or some malignant tumors begin to develop in the cells of the breast. When the tumor reaches a significant size, it can be felt by palpating the breast. Women in the age bracket mentioned above should examine their bodies to ensure that any such abnormality is noted and dealt with.

A mammogram is an imaging test used to determine if there is any abnormal mass in the breasts. The location and size of the mass is also detected in this way. The doctor may order a biopsy of the area to check the malignancy of these cells.

A self mammogram test is actually a breast self examination. The self mammogram test can be conducted by any woman on her breasts regularly to check for masses. A woman’s sexual partner may also be in a position to notice such abnormalities. In many cases, the masses that are felt during the self mammogram breast test may be absolutely without consequence. However, these masses should not be ignored after a self mammogram test. Cancer is a progressive condition. If it is caught early enough, it can be cured quickly and effectively. As the tumor grows, it will begin to multiply. This leads to a situation where the woman may suffer from cancer all over her body. The prognosis for cancer patients diminishes with every passing day. Therefore, swift action is essential for breast care. Breast cancer is one of the less dangerous cancers for women because it can be cured effectively and can be easily detected during self mammogram screening. Some women may undergo a complete removal of the affected breast to ensure that there is no malignant tissue left in the body. During a self mammogram a machine may not be used, however your hands would be the best machine to feel the presence of any abnormality in the tissue. It is however recommended that you get your breast mammograms done regularly once you are of age.

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