Biotin Benefits & Side Effects

Submitted by Medical Health Test Team on October 16, 2012

Biotin is one of the different types of B-complex vitamins. It is also known as vitamin H. High protein foods tend to contain a moderate supply of this vitamin but it may also be consumed in tablet form when it is a part of a B-complex tablet. Biotin is extremely important for the normal functioning of the human body. It plays a vital role in the process of carbon dioxide transfer. Because of this, the process that metabolizes carbohydrates and fats depends on biotin for its proper functioning. One of the most important biotin facts is the range of benefits that it offers. Biotin is useful for the health of the sweat glands, the normal functioning of the testicles in males, the normal functioning of nerves, blood cells and bone marrow. It plays an important role in synthesizing fatty acids and therefore in the production of energy in the body. This is done through the use of sugar in the blood, glucose. Biotin use occurs throughout the body and the effects of a lack of biotin may be felt anywhere in the body or throughout the whole body.

There are no known biotin side effects, and consuming biotin more than one’s daily requirement may not necessarily be harmful. However, biotin deficiency can lead to many different problems because of the wide range of applications that biotin has in the body. These deficiency related symptoms include hair loss, fatigue, fatigue related depression, muscle pains, joint pains, and so on. A few psychological effects have also been known to occur and these may be related to the lack of energy production due to biotin deficiency. A lack of energy production over time might also result in a weakened immune system.

The best way of ensuring an adequate supply of biotin in the body is by consuming foods that contain Vitamin H. These foods include egg yolk, bananas, peanuts, mushrooms, oatmeal and liver. When a person is diagnosed with a biotin deficiency, it should be checked against the consumption of such foods. If a person is not consuming these food items, this may be the cause and a resumption of consumption will result in an alleviation of biotin deficiency symptoms. Biotin deficiency can also be treated using dietary supplements in the form of vitamin pills or pills that are directly targeted at biotin deficiency. These medications should be taken only under advice from a healthcare professional who will determine the chances of any side effects before a prescription is made.

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