Barium Enema Preparation

Submitted by Nic on November 12, 2012

The digestive system is a long continuous system that begins in the mouth and ends in the anus. Food that is consumed passes through the digestive system where it is processed. The absorption of the useful nutrients from food takes place leaving behind wastes that need to be passed out of the body in the form of fecal matter. Food processing takes place in the stomach where acids and enzymes interact with the food. Further processing and absorption takes place in the small intestine. Wastes collect in the lower part of the large intestine from where they get disposed of. This lower part is the area of concern when we talk about a barium enema.

A barium enema is a medical imaging test that is conducted with the use of a barium solution. This solution is used to ensure that the walls of the digestive system are highlighted properly. By doing this, the walls become visible in an imaging test. The process of inserting the contrast fluid takes place using a tube inserted through the anus. This tube may also be used to pump in some air which would inflate the area, making its details more clearly visible. This improves the detail of the image that is produced after the enema has been given to the patient.

Naturally, there are some steps that need to be taken as part of the barium enema preparation. The barium enema needs to be conducted on an individual who has an absolutely empty colon and rectum. In order to ensure this, the individual needs to be on a specific barium enema preparation diet. The barium enema preparation diet comes into effect a few days before the procedure is planned. This diet involves the avoidance of certain foods on the first day. On the day before the test, the patient needs to be on a completely clear liquid diet. Clear liquids will be absorbed into the blood stream. These clear liquids will therefore not interfere with the lower digestive system. 12 hours before the test is scheduled, one needs to go on a fast. This aspect of the barium enema preparation means that most tests are conducted in the morning to ensure that the patient is not hungry for too long. The barium enema preparation for children is essentially the same. However, the test may need to be explained to the child so that he or she is in a position to cooperate. When it comes to barium enema preparation for infants, the parents need to completely understand the importance and effects of the enema.

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