Risks, Cost & Recovery Time of a Face Lift Surgery

Submitted by Nic on November 19, 2012

Face lift surgery is the ideal solution for those who feel bothered by signs of ageing. This surgery can be performed to correct sagging skin that appears on the face, below the eyelids, corners of the mouth, and the lower part of the mouth. Face lift surgery is often also performed to get rid of a double chin that is common in most people. The process of facial rejuvenation is usually performed along with the face lift surgery.

There are several different types of face lift procedures available, and your attending clinician will advise which of these would be ideal for you. The most common is the standard face lift. This medical procedure is performed to rejuvenate and tighten the skin on the face, especially from the eyes to the neck. The surgery is performed by a certified surgeon, who makes several surgical cuts on the face and neck, specifically around the areas that need to be tightened. The skin is then separated from the layers of tissues underneath it. The excess fat is then either removed or repositioned to give the desired contours to the skin. The skin is pulled back and any excesses are trimmed off. The deep tissues are then left in the stretched and tightened position using permanent stitches.

Risks Involved With Face Lift Surgery

There are specific areas of the facial skin that can be lifted. Some of the other common surgeries include the forehead lift and deep face lift. A face lift surgery is considered a major surgery, and there are some risks involved. Some of the face lift surgery risks include pain, swelling and redness of the skin. There may be some scarring, though usually it fades with time. Some people may experience altered sensation in the facial skin, but this is not a very common risk.

Cost and Recovery Time

Face lift surgery cost usually varies from one clinic to another, based mostly on the procedure used and the experience of the practicing clinicians and surgeons. Face lift surgery before and after pictures are usually available in most clinics that offer this kind of services. You can compare the two to see what you should be expecting.

The face lift surgery recovery time depends on the kind of surgery used and the area that has been lifted. For most patients, recovery time ranges from two weeks to one month. During this period, there are specific after care instructions that are issued by the attending clinician or the surgeon. Painkillers may be used if there is pain and swelling in the skin that has been lifted.

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