Complications, Recovery & Cost of CO2 Laser Resurfacing

Submitted by Nic on February 4, 2013

CO2 laser resurfacing or the carbon dioxide laser resurfacing is the latest in the laser resurfacing technology. This is a modern and safe laser treatment in which short bursts of pulsating light and energy is emitted. It involves a fractionated delivery system that allows you to control the amount of energy pulses used in the procedure. In this procedure, you can also control the duration for which the laser energy is passed to the skin.

CO2 laser resurfacing technology is most often used to desiccate the skin layer by layer so that younger, flawless and unblemished skin is uncovered. With CO2 laser resurfacing technology, doctors can selectively treat skin, so that you do not need prolonged recovery times. With the help of this laser technique, the doctor can target specific areas of your skin, giving you targeted results.

Laser surgery can be used for dermabrasion, skin rejuvenation, revision of scars, and a lot of other serious to mild skin conditions. In addition, the CO2 laser resurfacing technology can also be used for treatment of fine lines and wrinkles. It helps smooth out acne as well as other scars, treats hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation, evens out skin tone, reduces blotchiness, removes moles and freckles, and eliminates skin tags, pre-cancers and benign tumors.

The procedure itself is very simple and can be performed on an outpatient basis. Intravenous anesthesia is often used before performing the procedure. Often, patients choose to perform this procedure along with some of the other standard cosmetic procedures such as face lifts, eye lifts or chin tuck. This reduces the overall recovery period.

As in any treatment involving any kind of surgery, CO2 laser resurfacing also has its own complications and potential side effects. There may be slight redness immediately following the procedure. Often, men and women experience hyperpigmentation for some time after the procedure. There may be pain, itching and swelling along with redness in some areas. Rarely, a CO2 laser resurfacing treatment may cause an infection.

The recovery from this treatment takes a few days to several weeks, depending on the surface area of the skin treated. Prolonged treatment on a small area of skin may cause breaking of the skin and other complications. Most doctors usually avoid that; however, in case you have experienced it, your recovery may take longer than expected. The cost is slightly higher than laser resurfacing and depends on the surface area of the skin being treated.

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