Is a cystoscopy (bladder biopsy) standard procedure if you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer

March 25, 2010

Although millions of dollars are invested on a yearly basis, no one has yet been able to come up with a viable cure for cancer. One of medicines unlocked mysteries, the condition has claimed many lives all over the world with no significant end on the horizon. Prostate cancer is a cancer that forms on the tissues of a gland that is part of the male reproductive system, located below the bladder and in front of the rectum and is known as the prostate. The prostate is primarily concerned with the creation of storage and secretion of a slightly alkaline fluid that is milky white in appearance. This substance will accompany the semen during ejaculation. The alkaline properties of the combination serve to neutralize the acidity if the vaginal tract – thereby prolonging the lifespan of the sperm. Prostate cancer causes a number of complications affecting the gland because of the fact that the prostate is enlarged because of the cancer. As a result, the urine tends to have more of an obstacle in finding it way out of the body.

Some of the more common symptoms of the condition include a substantial pain felt by the sufferer during urination, a sense of urgency every time you feel the need to urinate – this does not depend on the actual quantity of urine you want to pass at all. Because of the amount of pain experienced during urination, it is not surprising for patients to want to urinate multiple times instead of emptying the bladder in one instance. As a result, the number of time the patient urinates will increase significantly. Some of the other, less common, symptoms of prostate cancer include blood in the urine or semen, new onset erectile dysfunction and loss of bladder control.

The cystoscopy procedure is primarily one used to help detect and diagnose the condition. While the procedure is not an absolute mandatory one when dealing with prostate cancer, it provides the best method of identifying whether you are affected by the condition in the first place. With the increasing percentage of wrong diagnosis in the country today, it always helps to be as sure as possible. A cystoscope will be inserted through the urethra and a small miniature camera on the device will relay images of the internal structure over to a monitor display present within the operating room. This would provide the doctor with a view for better navigation and inspection

Submitted by M T on March 25, 2010 at 12:00

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