What things can cause you to test positive for amphetamines/methamphetamines?

January 28, 2010

Amphetamines are very potent drugs that serve to stimulate the central nervous system. The actual effects of the substance will vary depending on a number of factors such as the individual's weight, height and overall health of the body. The method of intake of the substance is also very important and will play a significant role in how the substance takes control. Amphetamines are very strong drugs that are known to be very addictive and are illegal unless prescribed. There are only a select band of conditions that advocate the prescription of amphetamines. Narcolepsy, where an individual tends to fall off to sleep at completely random events is one, while suffering from attention deficit disorder is another. Some of the more serious side effects of the condition include sudden irritability or hyperactivity, increased blood pressure or rapid heart rate, drowsiness or even a headache. Some of the more serious long term effects of the substance include brain damage, malnutrition and psychosis. The method of intake usually comes with its own set of problems as, if snorted through the nasal passage, it could cause a significant amount of damage to your nose.

The major problem with the substance is the fact that it is highly addictive. Subjects will tend to rely on it psychologically as well as physically and will show very strong withdrawal symptoms when there is no supply being received by the body. Some of these withdrawal symptoms include panic attacks, feelings of anger, restlessness or rage and depression. Being under the influence of amphetamines over a length of time would make the individual emotionally and physically depleted because of the lack of nutrition as a result of the hunger suppressant properties of the substance.

The worst fear for anyone being subjected to a drug test is a false positive. Considering how drug abuse is frowned up in today's society, it is easy to get a little panicky. While there are no legal over the counter medicines that contain amphetamines, there are a number of commonly used medicines that could show up a false positive such as a number of nasal sprays. It is also important to keep in mind the fact that the quality of the lab where the urine or blood sample is analyzed plays its role in the outcome as most of the labs that were inspected within the United States of America did not meet the federal regulations - thereby increasing the likelihood of a false positive.

Submitted by M T on January 28, 2010 at 02:51

Amphetamines and methamphetamines are part of a group of drugs that work by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. The effect is typically a sense of euphoria, increased alertness, and decreased sense of tiredness and fatigue. Another effect is a decrease in appetite, which is why these drugs are sometimes used to control weight. In fact, one of the first uses of amphetamine was in the area of weight control. Amphetamines and methamphetamines have numerous other medical uses too. Conditions involving chronic exhaustion and drowsiness are sometimes treated with these drugs, unless there is some other underlying cause that is itself treatable. Conditions such as narcolepsy (a chronic sleep disorder in which a person is drowsy all through the day and yet cannot sleep well at night), chronic fatigue syndrome, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are often treated with either amphetamine or methamphetamine.

Of course, in addition to all of these uses, there is also recreational use of both drugs, and this is where drug testing comes in. Drug testing typically detects amphetamines in the body. Since methamphetamines turn into amphetamines in the body, a positive test result for amphetamines could also be a positive test result for methamphetamines. The problem is that there are many other drugs that break down into amphetamines in the body. Most of these other drugs do not have the same potential for misuse, and therefore do not have the same legal restrictions as amphetamine and methamphetamine. However, since they do end up as amphetamines in the body, a drug test could turn up a false positive, potentially causing unnecessary trouble for the person in question. Some drugs also break down into substances similar to amphetamine, and this too could lead to a false positive. Some examples of such drugs are mefenorex, selegiline, fencamine, benzphetamine, ethylamphetamine, and furfenorex.

Fortunately, you will not be imprisioned just because of a drug test. If you have medical reasons to take the drugs just mentioned, you are well within the law, and there is no need for you to worry. Your medical prescription is proof enough of this. In fact, the same applies to amphetamine and methamphetamine when taken on prescription. If you are still concerned, you should discuss this with your chemist or your doctor. There are numerous drugs that could give false positives in a drug test, and it is not possible to provide a complete list here.

Submitted by M T on January 27, 2010 at 04:02

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