What Does A Blood Culture Test For

December 22, 2010

Blood is an important component of the human body. Many different functions of the body are carried out using the transportation capabilities of blood. Blood is used to transport heat around the body and maintain the body temperature. Blood is also used to pass enzymes and hormones from their sites of production to the sites where they are required for use. Nutrition is served to the entire body through blood which is filled with nutrients after they have been absorbed during digestion. The transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide is another important function of blood.

A blood culture test is a test where the blood is tested using the method that is applied to help bacteria grow. The presence of bacteria in the blood can therefore be diagnosed. In many cases, the bacteria present in the blood are not very well developed. Therefore, time is needed for the bacteria to grow. If bacteria do in fact grow, it can be diagnosed as a sign of bacterial infection. A blood culture test is one where the bacteria are allowed to grow under favorable conditions. Often, an incubator is used to simulate the temperature conditions within the human body. Blood culture testing is important to help increase the concentration of bacteria in a sample of blood. Once this blood culture testing procedure is complete, the identification of the specific type of bacteria can be done. This identification process is critical, and is presented in the blood culture test results. Without it, one cannot administer the effective course of treatment that targets the specific problem. It is possible to use broad spectrum antibiotics, but these are far less effective than specialized medication. Blood culture tests can therefore help cure the individual of bacterial infections by identifying the type of bacteria which can then be eliminated.

The blood also carries many substances that help with immunity. From a diagnostic point of view, the state of the blood is important. Some infections may also be present within the blood itself, or, one may find traces and clues of infections within the body by testing the blood. Bacterial infections are a class of infections caused by the presence of bacteria in the body. The human body hosts many types of bacteria at all times. Sometimes, the quantity of specific types of bacteria rises because of some trigger that helps them multiply beyond their normal level. This can cause an infestation which is known as a bacterial infection. Bacterial infections are diagnosed using cultures tests.

Submitted by N S on December 22, 2010 at 05:05

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