how can you find out what your dads blood type is without a test?

March 5, 2010

There are many types of proteins and cells that are contained in blood. Blood circulates throughout the body and performs many important functions such as transportation, regulation and defense of the body. An individual's blood type is determined by the presence or absence of certain inherited antigens such as proteins, carbohydrates, glycolipids or glycoproteins. Blood type is based on the combination of these substances. Blood typing is most commonly done through the ABO blood grouping system. According to this system, human blood types are classified into four categories, namely A, B, AB and O.

The blood plasma is full of antibodies that are produced in order to protect the body against foreign substances. These antibodies do not bind to the molecules that are part of the individual's own body. During blood transfusions, the donor and recipient blood types must be matched carefully. If the surface molecules in the donor's blood cells do not match those of the recipient, the antibodies present in the recipient's blood will perceive the donor's blood as a foreign substance. The result is an immune response which leads to clotting. Individuals with the blood type O are known as universal donors as their red blood cells do not have surface molecules which can cause an immune response. Those with the blood type AB are known as universal recipients as they lack the antibodies which recognize A or B surface molecules, thereby preventing an immune response from occurring.

The best way to find out your father's blood type without a test is to look through his past medical records. Usually lab tests and birth certificates list the blood type of the individual. Blood typing is also done prior to donating blood. If your father has ever donated blood, it is possible that his blood type may have been determined at that time. Having a blood typing test done is also quite easy and the results are made available in a very short amount of time. The doctor will draw a sample of blood and send it for analysis. You can request for a copy of the test results to be sent to your home so that it can be kept for records. Home kits are also available for determining one's blood type. These help to determine an individual's blood type very quickly. These kits are also quite cost-effective. Once the result of a person's blood type have been obtained, it is important to keep it in a place where it can be referred to easily.

Submitted by M T on March 5, 2010 at 01:31

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