Endoscopic Face Lift

Submitted on March 27, 2012

Cosmetic surgery is one of the most sought after methods of enhancing ones aesthetic appeal and, while having a positive outcome in most cases, can also be very dangerous when things go wrong. We live in a world that places a huge amount of importance on beauty – making people that suffer from low self esteem to look for any possible outlet in order to boost their self worth. This is where cosmetic surgery can become a real problem as the feeling of being able to change anything you don’t like about yourself with a simple surgery tends to take over an individuals life and bank balance. However, this is not to say that cosmetic surgery has not been a huge boon in some individuals lives as it can really increase their self esteem and self worth.

Procedure and Surgery

Face lifts are cosmetic procedures that are focused on getting rid of aging lines and sagging skin that tends to show on the face as a person continues to age. Traditional methods of face lifts are invasive and the scars take a while to heal, as with a normal surgery. However, newer methods of non invasive and even cheaper options of face lifts are becoming more and more popular – with one of the most popular being the Endoscopic face lift. An endoscopic face lift is primarily a procedure that is geared at treating only a small, problematic area of the face rather than the entire face and is far less invasive than the traditional methods of face lifts. During the endoscopic face lift surgery, the cosmetic surgeon will make three incisions less than an inch long in areas where they will not be noticeable such as above the hairline and behind the ear. A thin wand like device will then be inserted in through the incisions and small surgical instruments will be used to remove fatty tissue from the face while the facial muscles will also be reshaped. Once the procedure has been completed, the convenient size and placement of the incisions will leave your face virtually scar free.

Endoscopic Face Lift Cost, Before and After

Endoscopic face lift costs are much less than a traditional form of the procedure and recovery is much faster. It helps to have a look at endoscopic face lift before and after pictures of some of the surgeon’s previous clients in order to ascertain the level of skill and professionalism before going ahead with the procedure.