Procedure and Results of Anti-Insulin Antibody Test

Submitted on March 27, 2012

Insulin is a key agent for managing absorption and conversion of glucose from food that is ingested by a person. The presence and proper functioning of insulin makes the body use sugar as its source of energy and prevents the breakdown of fat in the body to be used as an energy source. This is why a person who has low insulin levels will suffer from weight loss and hyperglycemia.

There is an anti-body that may exist in a person which causes the immune system to attack insulin in an effort to neutralize it. This is because that particular antibody, known as the anti insulin antibody believes that insulin is a foreign object that must be eliminated from the system so that the body remains healthy. This type of reaction to insulin in the body results in the development of type one diabetes. Type one diabetes refers to a condition where there is either a lack of insulin or lack of functioning insulin in the body. Type one diabetes causes the beta cells in the pancreas to be destroyed or to be rendered as non functional. This antibody test is performed on suspected diabetes type one patients or on patients who are already confirmed to be suffering from type one diabetes. A doctor may have prescribed insulin supplements to you which also could cause an allergic reaction. This test can be performed in order to ascertain whether your body has an indeed got an allergic reaction to insulin; whether naturally produced or introduced through a foreign source.

How is a Anti-Insulin Antibody Test Performed?

Anti-insulin antibody test is performed on a patient's blood. Blood will be drawn from the upper forearm in adults. This is done by a trained lab technician who will palpate the area to find a vein before inserting a needle into it. The blood is then drawn into a vial and sent for testing to a laboratory. In the laboratory, technicians will search for the immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M antibodies. These antibodies cause the body to react to insulin presence and this could either cause a destruction of insulin or it could render the insulin ineffective. Other antibodies present in your blood sample may result in you suffering from allergic reactions such as skin rashes or even more dangerous attacks that might require immediate medical care. A patient diagnosed with an anti-insulin antibody condition may be required to have emergency anti-histamine medication readily available in order to avoid any dangerous consequences of an allergic attack.