Signs of Hypoxia In Children

Submitted by Nic on October 18, 2012

The word hypoxia means lack of oxygen. This is a condition that occurs when the individual is unable to breathe in enough oxygen. Oxygen is one of the basic elements required for the process of energy production in the body. A lack of oxygen will lead to the death of the individual unless it is corrected quickly. Oxygen depletion is a progressive problem and the early signs of hypoxia in children should be taken care of at the earliest before the condition could worsen.

The signs of hypoxia in children include breathlessness, uneasiness while trying to breathe, giddiness, disorientation, headaches, muscle fatigue and gradually diminishing consciousness. Other signs of hypoxia in children include sudden bursts of euphoria and signs that the child is suffering from blurred or unsteady vision. Most of the signs of hypoxia in children will appear together and will progressively appear to be worsening as long as the child's oxygen supply is not restored. It is important to note that all children react differently when they suffer from this condition. Therefore, one must be aware of all the possible symptoms and signs of the condition. It should also be noted that these signs may occur in a random order and may not follow any pre-defined progression.

There are numerous possible causes of hypoxia in children. Some of these are related to physical blockages while others are related to air quality problems and to other systems in the body of the child. The most common cause of hypoxia is an obstruction of the airway. This obstruction may occur as a result of the individual developing asthma. Asthma involves the constriction of the airways due to some allergic reaction to a substance or vapor in the air.

Blockages can also be caused by infections, foreign bodies, tumors or due to damage suffered by the airways in an accident or act of physical violence. The most obvious treatment of hypoxia in children is to give the child an oxygen mask to breathe. More serious intervention will be needed if there is an airway obstruction. This could even involve the insertion of a tube to facilitate the flow of air to the lungs. In case of air quality issues as well, the use of an oxygen mask will solve the problem temporarily. After one has sorted out the initial emergency symptoms, the treatment of hypoxia then moves to understanding the underlying cause that has triggered the attack and sorting it out using medical intervention.

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