Pregnancy After Laparoscopy

Submitted by Nic on October 18, 2012

Endometriosis is one of the most common infertility causing conditions in women all over the world. This is primarily due to the abnormal growth of cells that are very similar to the ones present inside the uterus. This condition arises since the cells tend to develop on the outside of the uterus. Women suffering from endometriosis will see these cells develop in areas such as the cervix, bladder and even vagina, fallopian tubes and ovaries. An endometriosis laparoscopy is one of the most widely used treatment procedures when it comes to fighting the condition. However, given the fact that the cost of the procedure is rather high, it is easy to see why the procedure isn't usually considered to be a first option with most patients. An endometriosis laparoscopy is primarily an invasive procedure that is performed with the help of a medical instrument known as a laparoscope. The laparoscope is a long, thin tubal instrument that sports a camera and a light source on one end. This camera relays a video image of the internal structure of the body when it is inserted into the woman's body through a 1.5 centimeter wide incision that the surgeon will make. This video feed is displayed onto a monitor placed in front of the surgeon for him or her to be able to perform the diagnosis and or surgery as may be required.

Because of the fact that laparoscopy is primarily performed on a woman who is trying to get pregnant, but is unable to due to some kind of medical complication, it is easy to understand why the percentage of pregnancy after laparoscopy is such an important aspect of the procedure. While pregnancy after laparoscopy and hysteroscopy is likely, it is not guaranteed as there is always the chance that some amount of the condition still exists. This is because sometimes the cells can be so tiny that they may be hidden from the surgeons view during the procedure. Studies have shown that there is a higher success rate of pregnancy after laparoscopy in women suffering from moderate to severe cases of endometriosis. However, it is important to keep in mind the fact that the likeliness of pregnancy after laparoscopy and hysteroscopy is directly linked to the amount of recovery and quality of recovery time afforded the body just after the procedure. The chances of pregnancy after laparoscopy for endometriosis would also depend highly on the efficiency of the practitioner. This is due to the fact that if the surgeon is sharp enough to negate all the abnormal cells then there is a higher chance of a successful pregnancy after laparoscopy. While the patient is likely to be discharged from the hospital in a couple of hours after the completion of the procedure, she will need to give her body at least a couple of days of rest.

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