Procedure For Conducting Ascites Paracentesis

Submitted by Nic on October 16, 2012

Ascites is a condition where fluid builds up in one of the cavities of the body. This is an abnormal situation as the body cavities are usually not filled with fluid. There may be several underlying conditions that can cause this problem. One of the problems that can cause ascites paracentesis is cirrhosis of the liver. Internal infections, injury and cancer can also cause this problem. This condition is harmful to the body as it can put unnecessary pressure on various on different organs that are present within the cavity where this problem has occurred. Paracentesis is the procedure where the fluid is drained from the cavity to return the cavity to a normal condition.

Ascites paracentesis is a fairly simple procedure that can be performed quickly. However, due to the risk of complications, the patient may be asked to stay for a night in the hospital. Paracentesis is conducted in two distinct ways. Firstly, it is done by draining small quantities of fluid from the affected area for the purpose of chemical analysis in a laboratory. Secondly, it may be done in such a way that a large amount of fluid is removed. This second option for ascites paracentesis is used when there is excessive fluid present that is affecting the functioning of the body.

The ascites paracentesis procedure involves the use of a large caliber needle which is inserted into the affected cavity. Once this needle is placed, the fluid is drawn out. After this, the needle is removed and the wound is sealed. In some cases, the wound may need to be sutured shut if there is a leakage of fluid from the puncture. Suturing is also useful to help speed up the process of healing, thus reducing the chance of infection. Leakage and infections are listed as some of the ascites paracentesis complications. Other complications of the ascites paracentesis procedure include hypotension which occurs when the body is shocked by the sudden reduction in pressure in the concerned body cavity. Thus, doctors may prefer to drain fluid over consecutive sessions with the patient rather than all at once. It may also be that the patient ends up in hospital just for the purpose of observation after such a procedure is performed.

Ascites paracentesis is a therapeutic procedure that is performed to relieve the symptoms and to search for the underlying cause. It is only when this problem is treated that the collection of fluid will reduce.

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