Chances, Signs & Risks of Pregnancy after Endometrial Ablation

Submitted by Nic on February 4, 2013

Endometrial ablation is a medical procedure in which the endometrial layer in a woman's uterus is destroyed. This procedure is usually performed by women who experience very heavy and intense bleeding.

Unfortunately, in most cases, women who have performed endometrial ablation will not be able to conceive a child. Though there are still some women who may be able to have a baby after this procedure, their number is rather small and the prospects are discouraging. Since part of or all of the endometrial lining is destroyed during the ablation procedure, pregnancy after endometrial ablation can be really risky for both the mother and the child.

The chances of pregnancy after endometrial ablation are rather rare.

Even if a woman gets pregnant, the risk of miscarriage as well as abnormalities in birth is greatly increased. Most women who have had this procedure are advised against getting pregnant as the pregnancy may be both difficult and dangerous. Most doctors will advise using regular birth control measures for preventing a pregnancy. Sterilization is usually a preferred method.

If you experience any signs of pregnancy after endometrial ablation, you should get in touch with your doctor immediately. It is best to reconsider the pregnancy as it can be extremely risky. A longitudinal study on women who conceived after an endometrial ablation shows the risk of abnormal fetal growth, genetic abnormalities such as trisomy, defects in the neural tube, and stunted growth.

Apart from the risks to the fetus, there are several risks to the mother as well. Any diseases that the pregnant woman may have had before the pregnancy may be exacerbated. There is increased risk of developing preeclampsia as well as gestational diabetes. According to the research a majority of women with pregnancies after endometrial ablation were admitted several times in the hospital due to pregnancy complications throughout the pregnancy. The morbidity rate was 26%. About 42% cases ended up in a premature birth, and about 71% cases had a cesarean birth. The proportion of birth complications was high.

Endometrial ablation and pregnancy may be very risky, and therefore there is a growing need for doctors to counsel their patients properly so that they use proper contraception techniques. This is also extremely important in order to ensure safety of both the mother and the baby. With proper counseling and planning, women with endometrial ablation can continue to lead a healthy and risk free life.


P. Sinha, F. Noor: Pregnancy following balloon thermal endometrial ablation. The Internet Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2009 Volume 10 Number 2. DOI: 10.5580/1df8

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