Urodynamics Testing for Detection of Urinary Problems

Submitted on March 27, 2012

Urodynamics Testing

Urodynamic testing is done for all those people who have blocked urine flow or urine leakage.

If you have a problem with urine leakage or blocked urine flow, your doctor or nurse may be able to help. One of the tools they may use to evaluate the cause of your symptoms is urodynamic testing. An urodynamics test checks the symptoms can find out the urinary problems.

Urinary Tract

Several nerves, organs and muscles collect, store and release urine. Urine is formed in the kidneys when it filters the extra water and wastes from the blood. Ureters are like tubes that cart the urine from the kidneys till the bladder and urine flows in a single direction. If the urine flows back to the kidneys, a person can suffer from infections as well as kidney damage.

The bladder is a hollow organ like a balloon that is in the pelvis and is kept in place by ligaments that are attached to the pelvic bones and other organs. Urine is stored in the bladder until a person empties it. Urethra is the opening of the bladder and it allows the urine to pass through the body. Sphincters, which are circular muscles, are tightly closed to prevent the urine from leaking. If urine leaks involuntarily, then the problem is known as incontinence. There are nerves in the bladder that let people know when to empty it.

Problems Related To Urinary System

People generally have problems with their urinary system due to injury, illness and aging. The muscles around the urethra and bladder become weak as a person ages and this prevents people from emptying their bladder properly, leading to urinary tract infections.  Weak muscles also cause urinary incontinence. Urodynamics is a way of assessing the way the urethra and the bladder are performing, and whether they are in a good condition. Health care professionals can check if your sphincter and bladder muscles are working properly, and can detect problems like incontinence, recurrent urinary tract infections, painful urination, frequent urination, and sudden urge to urinate.

The tests that are part of urodynamics can be simple and involve the patient urinating behind a screen, or can require pressure monitors and equipment to film urination.

If you have urinary problems, then speak with your health care provider and let them know about the medicines you're taking, your medical history and your problem. You need to tell them about your fluid intake and if you consume alcohol or caffeine. The doctor will recommend a physical test too, which will involve urodynamics.